Digital Lightning impulse counter ProLEC Basic

ProLEC Basic is the first in line of the new lightning current sensors family. It is meant to be used for sensing and logging lightning discharges that flow through lightning protection systems. ProLEC Basic device is installed directly on lightning down conductor. It is made to withstand currents up to 100kA (10/350).


ProLEC Basic is the first in line of the new lightning current sensors family. It is meant to be used for sensing and logging lightning discharges that flow through lightning protection systems. ProLEC Basic device is installed directly on lightning down conductor. It is made to withstand currents up to 100kA (10/350).

By installing ProLEC Basic on a building’s lightning protection system, we gain the knowledge of frequency and time/date of atmospheric discharges that affected the building. Preventive or maintenance measures can be taken accordingly, depending on information gained from the counter.


•    LCD screen that shows number of lightning strikes, hour and date of lightning
•    event
•    Buttons for TIME/DATE setting and log viewing
•    Replaceable battery, working life minimum 5 years
•    Contactless sensor-easy to install, no change in existing installation needed
•    Complies with: IEC/EN 62561-6, 61326-1

Threshold current (8/20)    Itc                             1 KA
Max. Withstand current (10/350) Imcw              100 KA
Number of event logged                                     999
Temperature range:                                          – 20oC … + 60oC
Degree of protection:                                          IP 65
Housing material:                                               UL 94V-Z Polycarbonate